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                    : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel
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{{ 'product.bundle_group_products.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.buyandget.label' | translate }}
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  • {{ childProduct.title_translations | translateModel }}

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{{ 'product.set.open_variation' | translate }}
  • {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}

    {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childVariationName }}

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Belkin SOUNDFORM™ In-Ear Headphones with USB-C Connector

Belkin SOUNDFORM™ In-Ear Headphones with USB-C Connector

🔌 專為 USB-C 裝置設計,這款耳機帶來前所未有的悅耳音質,並且與您的智能手機完美搭配!

✔️ 超舒適貼合,長時間佩戴也不會感到不適
✔️ 高耐用性,陪伴您的每一刻
✔️ 防水功能,讓音樂無懼風雨
✔️ 卓越隔音,讓您專注於純粹的音樂體驗

🏃‍♂️ 不論在健身房流汗,還是在雨中奔跑,這款耳機都是您的理想選擇。

📖 沉浸在有聲書的世界裡,或是讓播客故事隨著高潮迭起的情節引領您的想象。

🛍️ 準備好讓您的耳朵享受一場音樂盛宴了嗎?現在就去購買 Belkin SOUNDFORM™ 入耳式耳機,感受每一個節拍!

{{shoplineProductReview.avg_score}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{shoplineProductReview.total}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
{{ title.name_translations | translateModel }} : {{variationName[$index] | translateModel}}
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Looking for a pair of headphones that perfectly matches your USB-C setup? Belkin SOUNDFORM in-ear headphones offer everything you expect and are designed specifically for your USB-C smartphone. Not only do these headphones sound great, they also fit comfortably and are durable.

These headphones are waterproof, so you can use them with confidence whether you're at the gym or outside on a rainy day. Plus, its sound-isolating design ensures you can fully immerse yourself in your music, whether listening to audiobooks or podcasts, and experience the highs and lows of each story.

Belkin SOUNDFORM in-ear headphones are ideal for music lovers, delivering a clear and premium audio experience. Buy now and enjoy an unprecedented musical feast for your ears.
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Customer Reviews
{{'product.product_review.no_review' | translate}}